Therapy For Your Money

Episode 34: Planning for Retirement (with Murs Tariq)

Season 1 Episode 34

Are you ready to begin your next chapter and step into retirement? You may not be sure how to start transitioning yourself into your retirement phase, but this episode will take away the fear of stepping away from your business and give you some great tips to get started!

Murs Tariq is a Certified Financial Planner and a partner at Peace of Mind Wealth Management. With over a decade of expertise in retirement planning, Murs is dedicated to helping clients pursue their ideal retirement. As an author and co-host of "Secure Your Retirement" show, Murs speaks on investing with risk management, income planning, and tax planning for and during retirement. As a first generation American, Murs was brought up with a different perspective on the value of the dollar and the importance of proper budgeting, saving, and overall financial planning. It is the upbringing that led him to his Finance Degree from North Carolina State University and eventually finding his passion in shaping the financial future of others.

Episode Highlights:

  • Retiring does NOT have to be scary!
    • The most common question asked is "Do I have enough?"
    • Through years of hard work and investing, you want to make sure you are taken care of in the future, and that all of your "What if?" questions are answered - that's where a financial planner can come in!
  • Each retirement plan is unique to the person
    • There is no set formula or dollar amount that is required to retire - it's all dependent on how you picture your retirement and how you'd like to spread your money out
  • The earlier your plan, the BETTER!
    • Understand what you have now and how you can make it work for you in the future
    • There are a number of investment strategies available - 401K, Roth IRAs, and GIAs are a few examples
    • Working with a financial planner can help you take a look at the bigger picture early on, which can take away the stress and give you peace of mind when you enter retirement

Links & Resources
Peace of Mind Wealth Management
Secure Your Retirement - Podcast
Secure Your Retirement by Murs Tariq and Radon Stancil
Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt by Michael Lewis
GreenOak Accounting
Therapy For Your Money