Therapy For Your Money

Episode 130: Tips for Weathering the Storm in Your Group Practice (with Maira Holzmann)

Julie Herres Season 4 Episode 133

Episode Summary:
In this episode, Maira Holzmann and Julie Herres delve deep into the intricacies of managing finances in the world of therapy practice. They discuss the challenges and revelations they've faced, from reevaluating their perceptions of debt to the importance of joy spotting amidst the stresses of business. Maira shares her transformative journey with money, emphasizing the need for prioritization and respect in handling finances. Julie offers insights into the dual-edged nature of business ownership, highlighting the balance between control and uncertainty.

Episode Highlights:

  • Talk very plainly about fears. This clears the way for growth.  
  • The shift in perception regarding debt, recognizing it not just as a burden but also as a potential tool for growth.
  • Look for joy: Maira's technique of “joy spotting” and savoring what you have right now as a means to alleviate the stresses of business, emphasizes its physiological benefits.
  • Embrace what you love: Embrace simple small pleasures like reading, cooking, or taking care of what you have. 

Links and Resources:

Podcast Production and Show Notes by Course Creation Studio

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